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How to Make Sandstone Stairs in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make Sandstone Stairs in Minecraft

This article is nearly normal stairs. For the April Fools' joke, see Swaggiest stairs ever.

Stairs are blocks that let mobs and players to alter elevation without jumping.


  • 1 Obtaining
    • one.1 Breaking
    • i.ii Natural generation
    • ane.iii Crafting
    • 1.4 Stonecutting
  • 2 Usage
    • two.1 Placement
    • 2.2 Walking
    • 2.3 Behavior
    • 2.4 Fuel
    • 2.5 Annotation blocks
  • 3 Sounds
    • 3.1 Copper
    • three.2 Nether brick
    • 3.3 Wood
    • 3.iv Other
  • 4 Data values
    • 4.i ID
    • 4.2 Block states
  • 5 History
  • 6 Issues
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References


Wood stairs drop themselves as items when broken with whatsoever tool, or with no tool, but an axe is fastest. Not-forest stairs drop themselves every bit items only if broken with a pickaxe. Compared to slabs, the hardness values (and thus, breaking time) of stairs better reflect the blocks they are fabricated from.[1]

Block Cobbled Deepslate
Polished Deepslate
Deepslate Brick
Deepslate Tile
Cutting Copper End Stone Brick Brick
(Mossy) Cobblestone
(Carmine) Nether Brick
Polished Blackstone
Shine Quartz
Smooth (Blood-red) Sandstone
(Polished) Andesite
(Polished) Diorite
(Polished) Granite
Polished Blackstone Brick
Prismarine (and variants)
(Mossy) Rock Brick
(Red) Sandstone
Mud Brick Wooden
Hardness 3.five iii 3 2 one.5 0.8 1.v 2
Breaking fourth dimension[A]
Default 17.5 15 15 10 7.5 4 vii.5 three
Wooden 2.65 vii.five 2.25 i.5 1.15 0.half-dozen 1.15 one.v
Stone 1.35 1.xv ane.xv 0.75 0.six 0.iii 0.6 0.75
Fe 0.9 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.iv 0.5
Diamond 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.four 0.iii 0.15 0.three 0.four
Netherite 0.5 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.35
Golden 0.45 one.25 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.25
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation

  • Cobblestone and rock brick stairs generate naturally in strongholds.
  • Nether brick stairs generate naturally in under fortresses.
  • Bandbox stairs generate naturally in witch huts and in igloo basements.
  • Purpur stairs generate naturally in end cities.
  • Oak, dark oak and birch stairs as well as cobblestone stairs generate naturally in woodland mansions.
  • Oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia, and night oak stairs can generate naturally in shipwrecks.
  • Dark oak, cobblestone, and mossy cobblestone stairs can generate in pillager outposts.
  • Blackstone and polished blackstone brick stairs can generate in bastion remnants.
  • Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick and Deepslate Tile stairs can generate in ancient city.‌[ upcoming: JE 1.19]
Ruined Portals
  • Stone brick and mossy rock brick Stairs generate in overworld ruined portals.
  • Blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick Stairs generate in under ruined portal.‌[ Coffee Edition only ]
  • Nether brick Stairs generate in nether ruined portal.‌[ Java Edition only ]
Sea Ruins
  • Sandstone stairs generate naturally in some warm body of water ruins.
  • Rock brick stairs generate naturally in some cold body of water ruins.
  • Oak and cobblestone stairs generate naturally in plains villages.
  • Acacia stairs generate naturally in savanna villages.
  • Sandstone, smoothen sandstone, and granite stairs generate in desert villages.
  • Spruce and diorite stairs generate in snowy tundra villages.
  • Spruce and cobblestone stairs generate in taiga and snowy taiga villages.


Wood stairs must be crafted entirely from ane blazon and colour of forest, and they retain the fashion of that wood'southward type and color.

Proper name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Wood Stairs Matching Planks

4 iv 4 iv 4 iv four iv 4

Stone Stairs Rock


Asphalt Stairs or
Mossy Asphalt Stairs
Cobblestone or
Mossy Cobblestone

four four

Stone Brick Stairs or
Mossy Rock Brick Stairs
Rock Bricks or
Mossy Rock Bricks

4 4

Andesite Stairs or
Polished Andesite Stairs
Andesite or
Polished Andesite

4 four

Diorite Stairs or
Polished Diorite Stairs
Diorite or
Polished Diorite

4 iv

Granite Stairs or
Polished Granite Stairs
Granite or
Polished Granite

4 4

Sandstone Stairs or
Ruby-red Sandstone Stairs
Sandstone or
Red Sandstone

4 4

Polish Sandstone Stairs or
Smooth Cherry-red Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Sandstone or
Smoothen Cherry-red Sandstone

4 four

Brick Stairs Bricks


Prismarine Stairs or
Prismarine Brick Stairs or
Dark Prismarine Stairs
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Dark Prismarine

Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine.gif
Invicon Prismarine Stairs.gif iv four 4

Nether Brick Stairs or
Cherry Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Bricks or
Ruddy Under Bricks

4 4

Quartz Stairs Any Quartz Block


Smooth Quartz Stairs Polish Quartz Cake


Purpur Stairs Whatever Purpur Block


End Stone Brick Stairs Terminate Rock Bricks


Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks

iv 4 four

Cut Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cutting Copper

4 four 4 four

Waxed Cutting Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Cutting Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cutting Copper

four 4 4 4

Waxed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cutting Copper Stairs +
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs or
Polished Deepslate Stairs or
Deepslate Brick Stairs or
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles

iv 4 4 4

Mud Brick Stairs Mud Bricks



Name Ingredients Cutting recipe
Stone Stairs Stone
Cobblestone Stairs or
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
Asphalt or
Mossy Cobblestone
Rock Brick Stairs or
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
Stone or
Stone Bricks or
Mossy Stone Bricks
Andesite Stairs or
Polished Andesite Stairs
Andesite or
Polished Andesite
Diorite Stairs or
Polished Diorite Stairs
Diorite or
Polished Diorite
Granite Stairs or
Polished Granite Stairs
Granite or
Polished Granite
Sandstone Stairs or
Smoothen Sandstone Stairs
Sandstone or
Smooth Sandstone
Ruddy Sandstone Stairs or
Smooth Carmine Sandstone Stairs
Ruby Sandstone or
Smooth Reddish Sandstone
Brick Stairs Bricks
Prismarine Stairs or
Prismarine Brick Stairs or
Dark Prismarine Stairs
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Dark Prismarine

Invicon Prismarine.gif Invicon Prismarine Stairs.gif Invicon Prismarine Stairs.gif

Nether Brick Stairs or
Red Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Bricks or
Red Under Bricks
Quartz Stairs or
Shine Quartz Stairs
Block of Quartz or
Smooth Quartz
Purpur Stairs Purpur Cake
End Stone Brick Stairs Terminate Stone or
Terminate Stone Bricks
Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs or
Polished Deepslate Stairs or
Deepslate Brick Stairs or
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles
Cut Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Cake of Copper or
Exposed Copper or
Weathered Copper or
Oxidized Copper or
Waxed Cake of Copper or
Waxed Exposed Copper or
Waxed Weathered Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Copper

four 4 iv 4 4 iv four 4

Cutting Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cutting Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cutting Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cutting Copper or
Waxed Cut Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cutting Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Mud Brick Stairs Mud Bricks


Stairs reconfiguration.png
Stairs ReconfigurationLeft: Original facing when split. Correct: Changed shape when side by side (pinnacle: inner corner; bottom: outer corner).
To place stairs, utilize a stairs item while pointing at a surface facing the space the stairs should occupy. When placed, a stair orients itself with the half-cake side closest to the thespian.

Stairs can be placed either right side upwardly or upside-downwardly:

  • Pointing at a block top or the lesser half of a cake side places the stairs right side upwards.
  • Pointing at a block lesser or the top half of a cake side places the stairs upside-down.

Stairs change their shape to bring together with adjacent stairs (of any material):

  • When a stairs' half-cake side is next to the side of another stairs, the stairs' total-block side wraps into an "L" shape to bring together the other stairs (it creates an "inner corner").
  • When a stairs' full-cake side is adjacent to the side of another stairs, the stairs' total-block side shortens to bring together the other stairs' total-block side (it creates an "outer corner").

Right side up stairs do not join with upside-down stairs and vice versa.


Walking upward stairs is faster than jumping upwardly the same altitude. Walking upward a stairway doesn't cost any exhaustion from the player'due south hunger bar, compared to 0.two exhaustion per jump. Therefore, walking upward stairs doesn't make the role player hungry at all.


Generally, the solid faces of stairs are handled every bit solid blocks. Due to this, transparent blocks that demand to placed on an opaque surface tin exist placed on these faces.


Wooden stairs can be used as a fuel in furnaces, smelting 1.five items per block.

Annotation blocks

Wooden stairs can be placed nether note blocks to produce "bass" sound.

Rock stairs tin be placed under note blocks to produce "bass pulsate" sound.


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation cardinal Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the cake has broken block.copper.break subtitles.block.generic.break ? ? ?
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage cake.copper.autumn None [sound i] ? ? ?
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken cake.copper.striking subtitles.cake.generic.hit ? ? ?
Block placed Blocks When the cake is placed subtitles.cake.generic.identify ? ? ?
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the cake block.copper.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps ? ? ?
  1. a b MC-177082

Boulder Edition:[ more data needed ]

Under brick

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Book Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has cleaved block.nether_bricks.break subtitles.cake.generic.suspension one.0 ? 16
None [sound ane] Blocks Falling on the block with autumn damage block.nether_bricks.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 ? 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of existence broken cake.nether_bricks.hit subtitles.block.generic.striking 0.25 ? 16
Cake placed Blocks When the block is placed subtitles.block.generic.identify 1.0 ? 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the cake block.nether_bricks.footstep subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.fifteen ? 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Boulder Edition:

Audio Source Description Resource location Book Pitch
Blocks One time the cake has broken dig.rock i.0 0.eight
Blocks Falling on the cake with autumn damage autumn.stone 0.iv 1.0
Blocks While the cake is in the process of existence broken hitting.stone 0.37 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block bound.stone 0.12 ane.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall harm land.stone 0.22 i.0
Blocks Walking on the block footstep.stone 0.3 i.0
Blocks When the block is placed use.stone 1.0 0.8


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken cake.woods.break subtitles.block.generic.intermission 1.0 0.viii 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage block.wood.fall None [sound 1] 0.five 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of existence cleaved block.wood.hit subtitles.block.generic.striking 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the cake is placed subtitles.cake.generic.identify 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.woods.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.fifteen i.0 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Source Description Resources location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the cake has cleaved dig.wood i.0 0.viii
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood 0.4 1.0
? Blocks While the cake is in the process of being cleaved striking.wood 0.23 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.wood 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without autumn harm land.wood 0.18 1.0
? Blocks Walking on the block footstep.wood 0.3 1.0
? Blocks When the cake is placed use.wood 1.0 0.8


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Cake broken Blocks Once the block has broken cake.stone.break subtitles.block.generic.interruption 1.0 0.eight 16
None [audio 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage block.stone.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.rock.hit subtitles.block.generic.hitting 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the cake is placed 1.0 0.8 xvi
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.stone.footstep subtitles.cake.generic.footsteps 0.xv 1.0 sixteen
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Audio Source Clarification Resources location Volume Pitch
Blocks Once the block has broken dig.stone 1.0 0.8
Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.stone 0.4 ane.0
Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hitting.stone 0.37 0.five
? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.stone 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the cake without fall damage country.stone 0.22 ane.0
Blocks Walking on the block pace.rock 0.3 1.0
Blocks When the cake is placed use.stone 1.0 0.viii


Coffee Edition:

Proper noun Identifier Course Cake tags Item tags Translation primal
Oak Stairs oak_stairs Block & Item stairs
Spruce Stairs spruce_stairs Block & Item stairs
Birch Stairs birch_stairs Cake & Item stairs
Jungle Stairs jungle_stairs Block & Particular stairs
Acacia Stairs acacia_stairs Cake & Particular stairs
Nighttime Oak Stairs dark_oak_stairs Block & Item stairs
Mangrove Stairs mangrove_stairs Block & Item stairs
Blood-red Stairs crimson_stairs Cake & Item non_flammable_wood
Warped Stairs warped_stairs Block & Item non_flammable_wood
Stone Stairs stone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.stone_stairs
Granite Stairs granite_stairs Block & Detail stairs
stairs block.minecraft.granite_stairs
Polished Granite Stairs polished_granite_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs block.minecraft.polished_granite_stairs
Diorite Stairs diorite_stairs Cake & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.diorite_stairs
Polished Diorite Stairs polished_diorite_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.polished_diorite_stairs
Andesite Stairs andesite_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.andesite_stairs
Polished Andesite Stairs polished_andesite_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.polished_andesite_stairs
Cobblestone Stairs cobblestone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.cobblestone_stairs
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs mossy_cobblestone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_stairs
Stone Brick Stairs stone_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.stone_brick_stairs
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs mossy_stone_brick_stairs Cake & Detail stairs
stairs block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_stairs
Brick Stairs brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.brick_stairs
End Rock Brick Stairs end_stone_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_stairs
Under Brick Stairs nether_brick_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs block.minecraft.nether_brick_stairs
Cherry-red Nether Brick Stairs red_nether_brick_stairs Block & Detail stairs
stairs block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_stairs
Sandstone Stairs sandstone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.sandstone_stairs
Smooth Sandstone Stairs smooth_sandstone_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.smooth_sandstone_stairs
Carmine Sandstone Stairs red_sandstone_stairs Cake & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.red_sandstone_stairs
Polish Red Sandstone Stairs smooth_red_sandstone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone_stairs
Quartz Stairs quartz_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs block.minecraft.quartz_stairs
Smooth Quartz Stairs smooth_quartz_stairs Cake & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.smooth_quartz_stairs
Purpur Stairs purpur_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs block.minecraft.purpur_stairs
Prismarine Stairs prismarine_stairs Block & Particular stairs
stairs block.minecraft.prismarine_stairs
Prismarine Brick Stairs prismarine_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.prismarine_brick_stairs
Dark Prismarine Stairs dark_prismarine_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.dark_prismarine_stairs
Blackstone Stairs blackstone_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.blackstone_stairs
Polished Blackstone Stairs polished_blackstone_stairs Cake & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_stairs
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs polished_blackstone_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_stairs
Cutting Copper Stairs cut_copper_stairs Block & Item stairs
None block.minecraft.cut_copper_stairs
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs exposed_cut_copper_stairs Block & Item stairs
None cake.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper_stairs
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs weathered_cut_copper_stairs Block & Particular stairs
None cake.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper_stairs
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs oxidized_cut_copper_stairs Block & Item stairs
None block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper_stairs
Waxed Cutting Copper Stairs waxed_cut_copper_stairs Cake & Item stairs
None cake.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper_stairs
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs Block & Item stairs
None cake.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs Block & Item stairs
None block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs Block & Detail stairs
None block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs cobbled_deepslate_stairs Cake & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_stairs
Polished Deepslate Stairs polished_deepslate_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_stairs
Deepslate Brick Stairs deepslate_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.deepslate_brick_stairs
Deepslate Tile Stairs deepslate_tile_stairs Cake & Detail stairs
stairs block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_stairs
Mud Brick Stairs mud_brick_stairs Block & Item stairs
stairs cake.minecraft.mud_brick_stairs

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Form Item ID[i 1] Translation primal
Oak Wood Stairs oak_stairs 53 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Spruce Forest Stairs spruce_stairs 134 Block & Giveable Item[i 4] Identical[i v]
Birch Wood Stairs birch_stairs 135 Block & Giveable Detail[i 6] Identical[i vii]
Jungle Wood Stairs jungle_stairs 136 Block & Giveable Item[i viii] Identical[i ix]
Acacia Wood Stairs acacia_stairs 163 Block & Giveable Item[i 10] Identical[i 11]
Dark Oak Woods Stairs dark_oak_stairs 164 Block & Giveable Item[i 12] Identical[i thirteen] tile.dark_oak_stairs.proper name
Ruddy Stairs crimson_stairs 509 Cake & Giveable Item[i 14] Identical[i 15] tile.crimson_stairs.proper name
Warped Stairs warped_stairs 510 Block & Giveable Detail[i 16] Identical[i 17] tile.warped_stairs.proper name
Stone Stairs normal_stone_stairs 435 Cake & Giveable Item[i 18] Identical[i 19] tile.normal_stone_stairs.proper noun
Granite Stairs granite_stairs 424 Block & Giveable Item[i 20] Identical[i 21]
Polished Granite Stairs polished_granite_stairs 427 Cake & Giveable Particular[i 22] Identical[i 23]
Diorite Stairs diorite_stairs 425 Block & Giveable Item[i 24] Identical[i 25]
Polished Diorite Stairs polished_diorite_stairs 428 Block & Giveable Item[i 26] Identical[i 27]
Andesite Stairs andesite_stairs 426 Block & Giveable Item[i 28] Identical[i 29]
Polished Andesite Stairs polished_andesite_stairs 429 Block & Giveable Particular[i xxx] Identical[i 31] tile.polished_andesite_stairs.proper name
Cobblestone Stairs stone_stairs 67 Block & Giveable Particular[i 32] Identical[i 33]
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs mossy_cobblestone_stairs 434 Block & Giveable Item[i 34] Identical[i 35]
Stone Brick Stairs stone_brick_stairs 109 Block & Giveable Particular[i 36] Identical[i 37] tile.stone_brick_stairs.proper noun
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs mossy_stone_brick_stairs 430 Block & Giveable Item[i 38] Identical[i 39]
Brick Stairs brick_stairs 108 Block & Giveable Item[i 40] Identical[i 41]
End Rock Brick Stairs end_brick_stairs 433 Block & Giveable Particular[i 42] Identical[i 43] tile.end_brick_stairs.proper name
Nether Brick Stairs nether_brick_stairs 114 Cake & Giveable Item[i 44] Identical[i 45] tile.nether_brick_stairs.proper noun
Carmine Nether Brick Stairs red_nether_brick_stairs 439 Cake & Giveable Item[i 46] Identical[i 47]
Sandstone Stairs sandstone_stairs 128 Block & Giveable Item[i 48] Identical[i 49]
Polish Sandstone Stairs smooth_sandstone_stairs 432 Block & Giveable Item[i 50] Identical[i 51] tile.smooth_sandstone_stairs.proper name
Red Sandstone Stairs red_sandstone_stairs 180 Block & Giveable Item[i 52] Identical[i 53]
Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs smooth_red_sandstone_stairs 431 Block & Giveable Detail[i 54] Identical[i 55]
Quartz Stairs quartz_stairs 156 Block & Giveable Item[i 56] Identical[i 57]
Smooth Quartz Stairs smooth_quartz_stairs 440 Block & Giveable Particular[i 58] Identical[i 59] tile.smooth_quartz_stairs.proper noun
Purpur Stairs purpur_stairs 203 Block & Giveable Item[i threescore] Identical[i 61]
Prismarine Stairs prismarine_stairs 257 Cake & Giveable Particular[i 62] Identical[i 63]
Prismarine Brick Stairs prismarine_bricks_stairs 259 Block & Giveable Item[i 64] Identical[i 65]
Dark Prismarine Stairs dark_prismarine_stairs 258 Block & Giveable Item[i 66] Identical[i 67] tile.dark_prismarine_stairs.proper name
Blackstone Stairs blackstone_stairs 531 Cake & Giveable Item[i 68] Identical[i 69] tile.blackstone_stairs.proper noun
Polished Blackstone Stairs polished_blackstone_stairs 547 Block & Giveable Item[i 70] Identical[i 71]
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs polished_blackstone_brick_stairs 530 Cake & Giveable Item[i 72] Identical[i 73]
Cutting Copper Stairs cut_copper_stairs 609 Cake & Giveable Detail[i 74] Identical[i 75] tile.cut_copper_stairs.proper noun
Exposed Cutting Copper Stairs exposed_cut_copper_stairs 610 Block & Giveable Item[i 76] Identical[i 77] tile.exposed_cut_copper_stairs.proper noun
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs weathered_cut_copper_stairs 611 Block & Giveable Particular[i 78] Identical[i 79]
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs oxidized_cut_copper_stairs 612 Block & Giveable Particular[i fourscore] Identical[i 81]
Waxed Cutting Copper Stairs waxed_cut_copper_stairs 613 Block & Giveable Item[i 82] Identical[i 83]
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs 614 Block & Giveable Item[i 84] Identical[i 85]
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper Stairs waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs 615 Block & Giveable Item[i 86] Identical[i 87]
Waxed Oxidized Cutting Copper Stairs waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs 703 Block & Giveable Item[i 88] Identical[i 89]
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs cobbled_deepslate_stairs 636 Block & Giveable Item[i 90] Identical[i 91] tile.cobbled_deepslate_stairs.proper noun
Polished Deepslate Stairs polished_deepslate_stairs 640 Block & Giveable Detail[i 92] Identical[i 93]
Deepslate Brick Stairs deepslate_brick_stairs 648 Block & Giveable Item[i 94] Identical[i 95]
Deepslate Tile Stairs deepslate_tile_stairs 644 Block & Giveable Particular[i 96] Identical[i 97]
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Bachelor with /give control.
  3. The block'due south direct detail form has the aforementioned id with the block.
  4. Available with /requite command.
  5. The block's direct detail form has the same id with the block.
  6. Available with /give command.
  7. The block'due south straight item grade has the aforementioned id with the block.
  8. Available with /give control.
  9. The block's straight item grade has the same id with the block.
  10. Bachelor with /give command.
  11. The cake's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  12. Bachelor with /give command.
  13. The cake'southward direct detail form has the same id with the block.
  14. Bachelor with /requite command.
  15. The cake'southward directly item form has the same id with the block.
  16. Bachelor with /give command.
  17. The block'southward direct item course has the same id with the block.
  18. Available with /requite command.
  19. The block's direct particular form has the same id with the block.
  20. Available with /give command.
  21. The block'due south direct item grade has the aforementioned id with the block.
  22. Available with /give command.
  23. The block'due south straight item form has the aforementioned id with the block.
  24. Available with /give control.
  25. The block'due south direct item form has the same id with the block.
  26. Available with /give command.
  27. The cake'southward direct item grade has the same id with the block.
  28. Available with /give command.
  29. The block'due south directly item form has the same id with the block.
  30. Available with /give command.
  31. The block's direct item class has the same id with the block.
  32. Available with /requite command.
  33. The block's direct detail class has the same id with the block.
  34. Available with /requite command.
  35. The block's directly item form has the same id with the block.
  36. Available with /requite command.
  37. The block'due south directly item class has the same id with the block.
  38. Available with /give command.
  39. The block's direct detail class has the same id with the cake.
  40. Available with /requite control.
  41. The cake's direct item grade has the same id with the block.
  42. Available with /requite command.
  43. The block's direct particular form has the same id with the block.
  44. Bachelor with /requite command.
  45. The block's straight particular form has the same id with the block.
  46. Available with /give command.
  47. The cake's straight item grade has the same id with the block.
  48. Bachelor with /give command.
  49. The cake's direct item course has the same id with the block.
  50. Available with /requite command.
  51. The block's direct particular form has the same id with the block.
  52. Available with /requite command.
  53. The block's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  54. Bachelor with /give control.
  55. The cake'south directly item form has the same id with the block.
  56. Available with /give command.
  57. The cake's direct item grade has the aforementioned id with the block.
  58. Bachelor with /give control.
  59. The block's direct particular form has the same id with the block.
  60. Available with /requite control.
  61. The block'south direct item form has the aforementioned id with the cake.
  62. Bachelor with /requite command.
  63. The block'south direct item grade has the aforementioned id with the cake.
  64. Available with /give command.
  65. The cake's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  66. Bachelor with /requite command.
  67. The cake's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  68. Bachelor with /give command.
  69. The block's straight item grade has the same id with the block.
  70. Available with /requite command.
  71. The block's straight item form has the same id with the block.
  72. Available with /give command.
  73. The block's direct particular form has the same id with the block.
  74. Available with /requite command.
  75. The block's direct detail form has the aforementioned id with the block.
  76. Available with /give control.
  77. The block's straight detail grade has the same id with the block.
  78. Available with /give command.
  79. The cake's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  80. Bachelor with /give command.
  81. The cake's directly item form has the same id with the cake.
  82. Available with /requite command.
  83. The block'southward direct detail grade has the aforementioned id with the block.
  84. Available with /requite control.
  85. The block's direct item form has the same id with the block.
  86. Available with /give command.
  87. The block's direct item class has the same id with the cake.
  88. Available with /give command.
  89. The block's direct item class has the same id with the cake.
  90. Bachelor with /give command.
  91. The block's direct detail form has the same id with the cake.
  92. Available with /give command.
  93. The block's direct particular class has the aforementioned id with the block.
  94. Available with /give command.
  95. The cake'due south direct item class has the same id with the block.
  96. Available with /give command.
  97. The block's direct item form has the same id with the block.

Block states

Java Edition:

Proper name Default value Allowed values Description
facing north east
The management the stairs' full-block side faces.
When placed in-game past a histrion, this matches the direction the role player faces.
half lesser bottom
Top if the stairs are upside-down.
shape straight inner_left
"straight" is the default stairs shape.
"inner" is an "within corner" stair shape, with two full-block and 2 stair-shaped side faces.
"outer" is an "outside corner" stair shape, with ii stair-shaped and ii half-block side faces.
"left" and "correct" specify in which direction is the higher function of the step.
waterlogged false false
Whether or not there's water in the aforementioned identify as these stairs.

Boulder Edition:

Name Metadata $.25 Default value Immune values Values for
Metadata $.25
upside_down_bit 0x4 false false
True if the stairs are upside-down.
weirdo_direction 0x1
0 0
The direction the stairs' full-block side faces.
  • 0: Eastward
  • one: West
  • 2: South
  • 3: North

For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to repeater textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see /Asset history

This department is missing data about MCPE-1219, MCPE-20677, and that in one case panel edition had cut sandstone stairs due to a bug.

Please aggrandize the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition Infdev
20100629 Oak Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added oak wood stairs and "stone" stairs.
Wooden stairs currently do non fire.
Oak Planks (texture) JE3 BE1.png Cobblestone (texture) JE2 BE1.png Both icon textures for stairs in the inventory are simply flat planks and asphalt textures.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.1 Oak Stairs (inventory) JE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (inventory) JE2.png Stair inventory icons now changed to render image of a solid 2 step model, which are currently glitched.
v1.two.0 preview The orientation of stairs is at present determined based on the direction the player faces while placing them. Before this version, stairs would determine their orientation based on the surrounding blocks (changing if they were changed).
v1.2.2 Stairs now take the odd property of being transparent to lite; when placed one or more spaces above the basis with air beneath, sunlight or other calorie-free sources now shine through and light the blocks beneath or backside the stairs exactly equally if nix opaque are present between them.
Other atmospheric furnishings such every bit snowfall do not penetrate stair blocks, making them an unusually constructive material for creating roofing that kept weather out, but nonetheless permit daylight in.
Snow cannot accumulate on top of stair blocks, grass is able to grow on the block directly underneath a stair block, and grass disappears if a stair block was placed on top of information technology. Whatsoever stair block placed in Alpha v1.2.0_02 to Beta i.5 would keep this property in afterward versions until it or an side by side cake is inverse or removed, causing a lighting update.
Coffee Edition Beta
i.0 Items have been given in-game names. The ii types of stairs have been named "Wooden Stairs" and "Stone Stairs", respectively. Examination Build iii Wooden stairs and fences are at present flammable.
The low-cal transparency of stairs from Blastoff v1.2.two has been stock-still.
Oak Stairs (inventory) JE3.png Cobblestone Stairs (inventory) JE3.png The inventory icon for stairs has been reversed to evidence a more recognizable effigy.
ane.vii Oak Stairs (N) JE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE2 BE3.png The models of stairs have been inverse. The texture of rock stairs has been inverse due to the cobblestone texture change.
1.8 Pre-release Brick Stairs (N) JE1.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE1.png Added brick and rock brick stairs.
Stone brick stairs driblet stone bricks, brick stairs drib bricks.
Brick Stairs (N) lighting bug.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) lighting bug.png On some GPUs, a major lighting issues is nowadays which causes the insides of stairs blocks to appear completely black.
Dropped stair items no longer appear larger than normal blocks.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE1.png Added nether brick stairs.
Nether Brick Stairs (N) lighting bug.png They can appear similarly black.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5 Brick, nether brick and rock brick stairs no longer appear black on the inside.
Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png The texture of brick stairs has been inverse due to the bricks texture change.
Oak Stairs (N) JE3 BE3.png The texture of wooden stairs has been inverse due to the planks texture modify.
Beta 1.nine Prerelease 6 The stair block at present drops itself when mined, instead of a cake of its source material.
Wooden stairs are broken faster using an axe.
All stone-type stairs take much shorter to destroy, and the breaking fourth dimension depends on the pickaxe's textile. 12w08a Oak Stairs (n) JE1.png Cobblestone Stairs (n) JE1.png Brick Stairs (n) JE1.png Nether Brick Stairs (n) JE1.png Stone Brick Stairs (n) JE1.png Added upside-down stairs.
Before they were added, edited information values of four through xv would create invisible stairs that could be walked through; these college values are now used for upside-downwards stairs.
Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE4.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE3 BE4.png Brick Stairs (N) JE3.png Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE2.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE2.png The models of stairs have been changed. 12w21a Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1.png Sandstone Stairs (n) JE1.png Added sandstone stairs.
12w22a Rock stairs now generate in jungle temples.
12w25a Redstone dust, repeaters, torches, levers, pressure level plates and rails can now be placed on stairs positioned upside downwards.
Birch Stairs (N) JE1.png Birch Stairs (n) JE1.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE1.png Spruce Stairs (n) JE1.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE1.png Jungle Stairs (n) JE1.png Added wooden stairs for the remaining three wood types (birch, spruce and jungle).
12w26a Added crafting recipes for birch, spruce and jungle wood stairs.
12w30a Upside down stairs tin now be placed by mostly looking at the superlative half of the side of a cake, rather than strictly the underside of a block.
1.4.2 12w34a Stairs at present automatically modify shape into corner stairs depending on location.
12w39a Stairs now collaborate properly with lighting.
Smooth lighting on stairs is now currently slightly bugged.
1.5 13w02a Quartz Stairs (N) JE1.png Added quartz stairs.
13w05a The lighting of stairs has been fixed when Smooth Lighting is on.
13w05b Stairs no longer stop sprinting.
1.7.2 Acacia Stairs (N) JE1.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE1.png Added acacia and dark oak stairs.
1.7.four 13w48a Oak Stairs (N) JE5 BE5.png Birch Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE4 BE5.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Brick Stairs (N) JE4 BE1.png Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png The models of stairs have been changed.
ane.8 14w17a Sandstone Stairs (n) JE3.png Quartz Stairs (n) JE3.png Upside down sandstone and quartz stairs each have at present had their height and bottom textures switched.[2]
14w31a "Rock Stairs" accept been renamed to "Cobblestone Stairs".
14w32a Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added red sandstone stairs.
1.9 June 22, 2015 Jeb reveals purpur stairs on Instagram.
15w31a Purpur Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added purpur stairs.
Stairs are now rotated xc° in the inventory.
15w43a Bandbox wood stairs interim as corners of a tabular array at present generate within igloo basements.
15w44b Due to model changes, stairs now display incorrectly stretched or squashed textures.[3] These may be GPU dependent every bit only corner stairs are distorted on some computers.
15w45a Stair textures are no longer incorrectly stretched. Notwithstanding they are now incorrectly mapped.[4]
15w46a Stair texture mapping has now been corrected. It is not known, withal, if stairs from this version onwards look at all different from those earlier 15w44b.
1.xi 16w39a Oak, birch and dark oak wood stairs and cobblestone stairs now generate in woodland mansions.
ane.12 17w15a Torches can now exist placed on the total-block sides of stairs.
Iron confined, glass panes and fences next to the full-block side of a stair now visually connect.
Carpet and snow layers tin can now exist placed on meridian of upside-down stairs.
Apr 17, 2018 Dinnerbone confirms that Java Edition 1.14 is to contain many new stairs and slabs.
1.thirteen 17w47a The cobblestone stairs ID has been changed from stone_stairs to cobblestone_stairs.
<wood type> woods stairs have been renamed to <wood blazon> stairs.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks' numeral IDs were 53, 67, 108, 109, 114, 128, 134, 135, 136, 156, 163, 164, 180 and 203.
18w07a Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added stairs for prismarine variants.
18w09a Stone brick and sandstone stairs now generate in underwater ruins.
18w10c Water tin can now exist placed on the aforementioned cake as stairs.
18w20a "Prismarine Bricks Stairs" take been renamed to "Prismarine Brick Stairs."
ane.13.1 18w32a Purpur stairs can at present be crafted with purpur pillars.
Oct 8, 2018 LadyAgnes tweets a photo of granite, andesite, and diorite stairs. Confirming in the tweet that polished variants would be coming soon.
October x, 2018 Dinnerbone tweets that there are to be 14 new stair blocks.
1.xiv 18w43a Oak Stairs (N) JE6.png Birch Stairs (N) JE3.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE3.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE3.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE3.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE3.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE5.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE4.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3.png Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2.png Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE4.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Purpur Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png The textures of all stairs have been changed.
Andesite Stairs (N) JE1.png Polished Andesite Stairs (N) JE1.png Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Mossy Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE1.png Mossy Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE1.png Stone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1.png Smooth Quartz Stairs (N) JE1.png Red Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png End Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, sandstone, smooth sandstone, red sandstone, shine red sandstone, smooth quartz, stone, ruby nether brick and end stone brick stairs.
18w44a Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Polished Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Diorite Stairs (N) JE2.png Polished Diorite Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Stone Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2.png The textures for andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, rock, sandstone, smoothen sandstone stairs have been changed.
18w46a Stairs now allow light to pass through certain faces.
18w47a Oak Stairs (N) JE6.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE4.png Birch Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Mossy Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE5.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3.png Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3.png Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2.png The textures for oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, nether bricks, carmine sandstone, and smoothen red sandstone stairs accept been changed.
18w50a Spruce Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE6 BE6.png Mossy Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE6 BE3.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png The textures for spruce, asphalt, mossy cobblestone, sandstone, smooth sandstone, red sandstone, and smooth ruby-red sandstone stairs take been changed.
19w03c Some redundant faces have been removed from stairs.[five]
19w08a Diorite Stairs (N) JE3 BE2.png The texture of diorite stairs has been changed.
Smooth Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Shine quartz uses the lesser texture of normal quartz blocks, rather than the elevation texture.
19w13a Stairs no longer cake light, except at the full faces.
19w13b Quartz Stairs (N) JE3.png The texture of quartz stairs has been changed.
one.sixteen 20w06a Crimson Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Warped Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added crimson and warped stairs.
20w10a The peak texture of i upside-downwardly quartz stairs variant has been switched to use the correct 1.[half-dozen]
20w15a Blackstone Stairs (N) JE1.png Polished Blackstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick stairs.
20w16a Blackstone and polished blackstone brick stairs at present generate as part of bastion remnants.
Stone brick, mossy stone brick, blackstone, polished blackstone brick and polished blackstone stairs tin can now generate as role of ruined portals.
1.sixteen.2 20w28a Blackstone, polished blackstone and polished blackstone brick stairs are at present renewable equally piglins have an viii.71% chance to trade 8-sixteen blackstone during bartering.
October 3, 2020 Cut Copper Stairs (pre-release).png Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Stairs (pre-release).png Semi-Weathered Cut Copper Stairs (pre-release).png Weathered Cut Copper Stairs (pre-release).png Copper stairs are revealed at Minecraft Live 2020.
1.17 20w45a Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1.png Exposed Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Weathered Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added cut copper stairs and waxed cut copper stairs.
20w46a Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png The texture of cut copper stairs has been inverse.
21w07a Cobbled Deepslate Stairs JE1.png Polished Deepslate Stairs JE1.png Deepslate Brick Stairs JE1.png Deepslate Tile Stairs JE1.png Added grimstone, polished grimstone, grimstone brick, and grimstone tile stairs.
Blackstone Stairs JE2.png Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs JE2.png Inverse textures of blackstone and polished blackstone bricks stairs.
21w08a Grimstone Stairs have been renamed to Deepslate Stairs.
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs JE2.png Polished Deepslate Stairs JE2.png Deepslate Brick Stairs JE2.png Deepslate Tile Stairs JE2.png The textures of deepslate, polished deepslate, deepslate brick, and deepslate tile stairs take been changed.
Blackstone Stairs JE3.png The texture of blackstone stairs has been changed.
21w10a Cobbled Deepslate Stairs JE3.png Updated texture of Cobbled deepslate stairs.
21w14a Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added waxed oxidized cut copper stairs.
1.xviii 21w40a A block of copper can now be converted into 4 blocks of cut copper stairs when using stonecutter.
Upcoming Coffee Edition
ane.19 Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 Cobbled Deepslate stairs, Polished Deepslate stairs, Deepslate Brick stairs and Deepslate Tile stairs now generate as office of ancient city.
22w11a Mangrove Stairs JE1.png Mud Brick Stairs JE1.png Added mangrove and mud brick stairs.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0 Oak Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added forest (original oak) and cobblestone stairs.
v0.2.0 Oak Stairs (N) BE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) BE2.png The textures of wood and asphalt stairs have been changed.
v0.3.0 Brick Stairs (N) JE4 BE1.png Added brick stairs to Creative manner. Fifty-fifty though they take a crafting recipe, they are not obtainable in Survival mode due to infinite stacks merely counting equally ane of a textile.
Survival players no longer start out with an infinite amount of wood and asphalt stairs in the inventory.
v0.3.ii Bricks are no longer in an space stack and now exist gathered, making brick stairs obtainable in Survival style.
v0.four.0 Oak Stairs (N) JE3 BE3.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE2 BE3.png Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png The models of stairs have been changed.
v0.6.0 Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added under brick, sandstone, stone brick and quartz stairs.
Corner stairs and upside-downwards stairs have been added.
At that place was a problems where rock, quartz and nether brick stairs would display the incorrect texture when placed in a sure place.
Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE4.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE3 BE4.png The textures of oak and cobblestone stairs have been changed.
v0.8.0 build ii Spruce Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Birch Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added birch, bandbox and jungle forest stairs.
v0.9.0 build 1 Acacia Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added acacia and night oak wood stairs.
Stone brick stairs now naturally generate in strongholds.
Cobblestone and oak wood stairs now naturally generate in villages.
? The tooltip has been inverse from [woodtype] Stairs to [woodtype] Wood Stairs.
? Renamed "Sand Rock Stairs" to "Sandstone Stairs".
v0.11.0 build 1 Acacia and dark oak wooden stairs are now flammable.
Quartz stairs can now be crafted in survival mode.
v0.13.0 build 1 Sandstone stairs now generate in desert temples.
v0.14.0 build 1 Red Sandstone Stairs BE.png Added cherry-red sandstone stairs.
v0.xiv.2 Nether Brick Stairs BE2.png The texture of nether brick stairs has been brightened as a upshot of brightening the nether bricks texture.
v0.15.0 build one Cobblestone stairs now generate in jungle temples.
Savanna villages at present generate with acacia woods stairs instead oak stairs.
Spruce wood stairs now generate in taiga, snowy tundra and snowy taiga villages.
Pocket Edition
one.0.0 alpha Purpur Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added purpur stairs.
Spruce woods stairs deed every bit corners of a table now generate within igloo basements.
1.1.0 blastoff ane.1.0.0 Oak, birch and night oak woods stairs and asphalt stairs at present generate in woodland mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.iv.0 beta one.2.xiii.viii Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added stairs for prismarine variants.
beta 1.2.14.two Wooden stairs can now generate in shipwrecks.
beta Rock brick stairs and sandstone stairs can now generate naturally in some underwater ruins.
ane.nine.0 beta Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Polished Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Mossy Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Mossy Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Stone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE3.png Red Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png End Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added stone, andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy asphalt, rock, smooth sandstone, smoothen cerise sandstone, smoothen quartz, red under brick, and end stone brick stairs.
1.10.0 beta Oak Stairs (N) JE7 BE6.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Birch Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Diorite Stairs (N) JE3 BE2.png Polished Diorite Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Stone Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE6 BE6.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE6 BE3.png Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Nether Brick Stairs BE3.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE3.png Purpur Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png The textures of stairs take been inverse.
Asphalt, mossy asphalt, and dark oak stairs at present generate in pillager outposts.
Granite and polish sandstone stairs at present generate in desert villages.
Diorite stairs at present generate in snowy tundra villages.
one.xvi.0 beta 1.sixteen.0.51 Crimson Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Warped Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added crimson and warped stairs.
beta 1.sixteen.0.57 Blackstone Stairs BE1.png Polished Blackstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick stairs.
Rock brick, mossy stone brick and nether brick stairs tin now generate as function of ruined portals.
Added new sounds to the nether brick stair variants.
beta Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png The texture of nether brick stairs now matches Java once more.
1.sixteen.20 beta 1.16.xx.50 Crimson and warped stairs now uses regular plank sounds instead of their stem variant sounds.
Caves & Cliffs (experimental) beta one.16.210.57 Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Exposed Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Weathered Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added cut copper stairs and waxed cut copper stairs.
i.17.0 beta 1.xvi.230.52 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs JE3.png Polished Deepslate Stairs JE2.png Deepslate Brick Stairs JE2.png Deepslate Tile Stairs JE2.png Added cobbled deepslate, polished deepslate, deepslate brick, and deepslate tile stairs.
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added waxed oxidized cut copper stairs.
beta Blackstone Stairs BE2.png Updated blackstone stairs texture.
beta The stairs for copper and deepslate variants are no longer available only through Experimental Gameplay.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.0 Patch ane 1.0.1 Oak Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added wood (original oak) and cobblestone stairs.
TU3 Oak Stairs (N) JE5 BE5.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE4 BE5.png The textures of oak and asphalt stairs have been inverse.
TU5 Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Brick Stairs (N) JE4 BE1.png Added rock brick stairs and brick stairs.
TU7 Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Added under brick stairs.
TU9 Spruce Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Birch Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added birch and bandbox wood stairs and sandstone stairs.
TU12 Jungle Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added jungle wood stairs.
Stairs at present automatically change shape into corner stairs depending on location.
Stairs can now be placed upside downward.
Items can now be placed directly on upside downwards stairs.
TU13 Jungle wood stairs are at present flammable.
TU14 1.04 Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added quartz stairs.
The placement of upside down stairs and slabs has been changed.
TU27 CU15 1.18 Acacia Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Added acacia and dark oak stairs.
TU31 CU19 i.22 Patch 3 Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added Ruddy Sandstone Stairs.
"Stone Stairs" have been renamed to "Cobblestone Stairs".
TU46 CU36 ane.38 Patch xv Purpur Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added purpur stairs.
TU49 CU39 1.42 Patch 18 Stairs are now rotated 90° in the inventory.
TU54 CU44 1.52 Patch 24 1.0.4 Torches can now be placed on the full-block sides of stairs.
Iron bars, glass panes and fences next to the full-block side of a stair now visually connect.
Rug and snow layers tin now exist placed on top of upside-down stairs.
TU69 ane.76 Patch 38 Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added stairs for prismarine variants.
1.83 Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Polished Andesite Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Diorite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Polished Granite Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Mossy Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Mossy Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Stone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Sandstone Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE3.png Red Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png End Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, polish sandstone, polish red sandstone, shine quartz, stone, red nether brick and end rock brick stairs.
ane.90 Oak Stairs (N) JE7 BE6.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Birch Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE6 BE6.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE6 BE3.png Red Sandstone Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Brick Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.gif Prismarine Brick Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Dark Prismarine Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png Nether Brick Stairs BE3.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE3.png Purpur Stairs (N) JE2 BE2.png The textures of stairs have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.ane.0 Oak Stairs (N) JE5 BE5.png Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE4 BE5.png Nether Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Sandstone Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Stone Brick Stairs (N) JE3 BE1.png Quartz Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Birch Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Spruce Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Jungle Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Acacia Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE2 BE1.png Red Sandstone Stairs BE.png Added stairs. Purpur Stairs (N) JE1 BE1.png Added purpur stairs.

Issues relating to "Stairs" are maintained on the bug tracker. Written report issues there.

  • Between Java Edition 1.17 snapshots 20w45a and 21w05a, "Waxed Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Stairs" was the longest proper name for any block in Minecraft, at 41 characters with spaces, or 36 without.
  • The April Fools snapshot 20w14∞ included a block called "Swaggiest stairs ever", which was a stair variant for the netherite block.

  1. MC-53641
  2. MC-57935
  3. MC-91710
  4. MC-92137
  5. MC-114779
  6. MC-152441


How to Make Sandstone Stairs in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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